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Is a Foam Mattress Good for Allergies?

One of the trends in mattresses has been the memory foam or the hybrid mattress. Natural foam (latex) has been in and out of fashion since it was first introduced over 30 years ago. You may wonder is a foam mattress for allergies a good idea?

Natural Latex Foam Mattress for Allergies

There are people who are allergic to natural latex that fear reactions to latex mattresses. This is despite the fact that there has not been one documented case of latex allergy to the mattress.

This could be because of the open cell structure of the natural foam allows it to be thoroughly washed before it is manufactured into a bed or because there is no direct contact between the sleeper and the latex.

That being said, if you are allergic to latex it is probably wise to consider the memory foam cell over the latex.

Open or Closed Cell Foam Mattress for Allergies

If you start shopping foam mattresses you will find that most manufacturers claim that foam mattresses will not harbor dust mites. This simply is not true.

They contend that the closed-cell structure of the foam protects it against dust mites. While it is true that the foam itself does not provide a food source for dust mites, it still collects the food source (skin) for the mites. Where there is food, there will be mites!

Foam mattresses (whether natural or man-made) do provide a means of collecting dust mite food, the resulting dust mites, and because of the interaction between the dust mites and their food, dust mite feces.

In addition, foam mattresses are covered by foam, wool, or polyester batting. Mites and their feces will collect in the batting.

So, no matter the type of foam or the manufacturer, your foam mattress still needs an allergy-proof cover. If you have natural foam or natural foam and organic cotton, then you would like our AllergyCare Orgnic Cotton. If you have memory foam, you might want to consider our AllergyCare 100% Cotton covers for your mattress. Either way, we recommend you use a cotton cover on the mattress because foam and latex mattresses can sleep a bit warm.

BTW - If you have a foam pillow, the same holds true. Your pillow is not free of mites and their allergens. Put a zippered cover on the pillow and sleep tight!

Till Next Time


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