Say it ain’t so! People slather sunscreen on to protect themselves from the damaging effects of the sun. But could it be that bad sunscreen causes skin tumors? Can they cause allergic reactions?
As far back as 2012 the Environmental Working Group had concurred with the draft report from the National Toxicology Program (an inter-agency group) that found that the presence of Vitamin A, (retinyl palmitate), speeds the formation of tumors in sunlight.
That’s right! The sunscreen you may apply for protection may actually speed up the formation of tumors! Bad sunscreen causes skin tumors that they are supposed to prevent!
At that time they found that more than 200 sunscreens made by 44 different companies listed Vitamin A or retinyl palmitate on their labels last year. Sunscreen scientists and trade groups dispute EWG’s warning about retinyl palmitate on sun-exposed skin (Wang 2010).
Another chemical of particular concern is the use of oxybenzone – especially for kids
Oxybenzone is one of the common active ingredients in sunscreens that are sold in the US. The FDA says it is safe. But some environmental and health groups single out oxybenzone as potentially unsafe for some people and the environment.
Some studies have shown oxybenzone can cause skin allergies. In addition, studies in animals and in human cells in laboratories show that oxybenzone can interfere with how some hormones work.
Another study found that oxybenzone is an emerging contaminant of concern in marine environments. Hawaii became the first state in the nation to ban the sale of over-the-counter sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate.
The law went into effect on January 1, 2021, with the goal of preserving Hawaii’s marine ecosystems.
We have cautioned using personal care products with harmful ingredients like formaldehyde and parabens for several years now. We carry an SPF35 sunscreen from the Vanicream people and when I found out about the Vitamin A and oxybenzone, I ran to a tube and read the list of ingredients.
Not included! Yeah! Now you can get outside, be safe from the sun, and know that your sunscreen will provide protection, not accelerate skin tumors or is bad for the enviroment!
Please tell your family and friends to read the label on their sunscreen. Get a tube of Vanicream Sunsport 35 and be safe!
If you don’t believe me, read about it here for yourself.
Retinoic Acid and Retinyl Palmitate, NTP TR 568
The trouble with ingredients in sunscreens
Hawaii’s Ban on Oxybenzone and Octinoxate-Containing Sunscreen Takes Effect
Also, It is not an uncommon question, Can you be allergic to the sun? Usually people ask this in the Spring but we also hear it into the beginning of Summer.
Till next time
Allergy elimination is about eliminating the allergy-causing substance in your home the best you can. Once you do this, you may be able to eliminate the need for all the medications and doctor visits. For additional information please click here to download your free copy of" You Can Do It! Allergy Free Living.