Does your dog or cat have an area of their body that they lick constantly? Do they chew and pull and tug at their fur? Does your pet scratch and scratch and scratch? Have they licked or chewed at one spot so much that the fur is gone and the skin is inflamed and even possibly bleeding?
If you answered “yes’ to any of these questions it is very possible that your pet suffers from flea allergy dermatitis.
When people have an allergy to pollen, molds, or even pets they usually have symptoms of a cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, or itchy and watery eyes.
When pets have an allergy, it usually shows up in their skin. The poor animal will have terrible itching of their skin. They will lick in order to make the skin feel better. However, in fact, this makes the skin even more irritated and raw.
As a result, the animals lick even more or will even chew or tug at their fur. It sets up a terrible cycle and eventually, the skin can become infected or scared so badly that the fur will not grow back. Vets refer to these areas as “hot spots”.
The most common cause of allergy in pets is the common flea. Fleas have a protein in their saliva to which many animals are allergic. As the flea pierces the skin to feed, this protein encounters the animal’s tissues and the allergic reaction begins.
The animal’s immune system incorrectly recognizes this protein as a bacteria or other evil invader and a chain reaction begins that ends up causing intense itching in the skin. So, now not only did the fleabite itself cause an itch, but the immune system is intensifying the sensation.
Flea allergy dermatitis is frustrating to pet owners and can be agony for the pet. It is frustrating because all it takes is one single fleabite to cause the problem. Just one flea can cause as much agony as 100 fleas.
If your pet is allergic to fleas, you know you have to be diligent in treating the environment as well as the pet for fleas. In addition, you can treat the pet for the symptoms of dermatitis to bring relief from the intense itching.
Petaseptic Lotion can bring relief to the symptoms of flea allergy dermatitis as well as other insect bites. This lotion is clear and non-greasy. It contains an antiseptic that penetrates the skin and kills bacteria immediately.
It also contains glycerin to moisturize and smooth the skin and accelerate healing. In addition, the camphor soothes nerve endings bringing pain relief and a sensation of cooling that is very pleasant to the pet. As an added bonus, pets find camphor distasteful so once the Petaseptic is applied to the skin the animal will not lick that area anymore. This also helps the skin heal.
The ingredients that make Petsaseptic such a great product for flea allergy dermatitis make it an excellent first aid product for bites from mosquitoes, fire ants, and ticks. It works well on humans too.
With summer around the corner, if your pet has problems with fleas, make sure you have Petaseptic on hand.
Wishing you the best of health
The Allergy Store