When Asthma Strikes Be Prepared
How to prepare for an asthma attack may sound like an unusual concept to consider, but proper preparation can actually mean the difference between life and death.
Asthma attacks can come on suddenly and range from mild to severe, so the more you can stay on top of your symptoms, the better off you’ll be. Take a few moments to prepare yourself and you’ll reduce your reaction time during an attack drastically.
The first step in being prepared is being aware of your triggers and of the warning signs that an attack is imminent. If you know what triggers your attacks, it is that much easier to avoid those substances or situations. Anything from weather extremes to physical activity, yes there (exercise-induced asthma is real) to allergens like dust and mold can be a potential trigger, and specific triggers will vary from patient to patient, so the sooner you can identify your own the better.
There are certain physical warning signs of an asthma attack that you should be on the lookout for. These can include a bluish tinge to the lips or fingernails, tightening of the chest, excess sweating and a whistling sound when breathing. This whistling, a side effect of air being forced through narrowed passages in the lungs, is called wheezing.
One of the most important things to remember when considering how to prepare for an asthma attack is to be aware of these warning signs and seek medical help at their earliest onset. The quicker you can get treatment, the better your chances of preventing the attack from becoming serious or even life-threatening.
Another important step is to talk to your doctor so he can prescribe some sort of rescue medication. This is a medication, often taken orally using an inhaler, which can provide immediate relief when symptoms first occur. Often, this rescue medication is all that will be necessary to fight off an attack, but if it doesn’t get the job done you’ll need to take other steps and this is where further preparation comes in.
Because the onset of an attack can sometimes make it difficult for the sufferer to communicate properly, it is important that you write down ahead of time all of the necessary steps that need to be taken in the event of an attack. You should keep this plan, along with your doctor’s telephone number, near your phone at all times. You should also carry a copy with you so that you have it no matter where you go.
Keep your plan in an easy to find location and let anyone else who is with you for a prolonged period of time know about it so that they will be prepared as well.
Asthma can is a serious illness, but you don’t have to be held hostage to it. Just take a few minutes to put together an emergency plan and make sure you always have your rescue medication on hand and you should be able to handle any attack. Being prepared may be the best move you ever make!
Wishing you the best of health
The Allergy Store