A runny nose, red itchy eyes, and a sneezing frenzy - if that all sounds like symptoms you experience around this time every year, then you’re likely used to experiencing springtime allergy attacks.
Although springtime means beautiful trees blooming left right and center, and of course, the return of the long-awaited warm weather; spring allergies are unfortunately also part of the ride.
From fluffy kittens to lush lawns to shady trees, some of the most delightful things out there can make your spring allergy symptoms act up.
In this article, we’re going to discover what some of the most common spring allergy symptoms are, when they start, when you can expect them to end, and what to do about them, so you can enjoy more of the wonderful world around you.
Let’s get started.
What Causes Spring Allergies?
The biggest cause of spring allergy symptoms is pollen. Natures elements like trees, grass, and weeds release tiny grains into the air that are used to fertilize other plants. When this pollen gets into the nose of somebody prone to allergy attacks, it sends the body’s defenses haywire.
The human immune system mistakenly sees the pollen as danger and releases antibodies that aim to attack the allergens. It all leads to the release of chemicals called histamines into the blood. They are what trigger the itchy eyes, runny nose, and every other symptom that we’re going to discuss next.

What Are Some Common Spring Allergy Symptoms?
Spring allergies may trigger other respiratory symptoms such as:
- Sneezing
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Itchy, watery eyes
- Mouth or throat itchiness
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest tightness
When Do Spring Allergies Start?
Depending on exactly where you live and what causes you allergy attacks, the pollen season can start as early as the end of February. Spring allergy symptoms that appear early can sometimes be attributed to hazel pollen or alder tree pollen due to the fact that they bloom around that particular time.
How Long do Spring Allergies Last?
Although this can vary from year to year, in some cases, spring allergies can last until September. For instance - the tree pollens of March and April make way for the grass pollens of May and June. Then, we can’t forget the ragweed allergies of Summer. When you put it all together, you’ll find that you may be waiting until the first frost of fall until you’re really out of the woods.
How to Cope Throughout
While spring allergies can make you feel absolutely miserable, it doesn’t always have to be that way. From bedding to purification to personal care, we’ve got your spring and summer covered.
Don't forget to work with your doctor. The right medication is essential when it comes to managing symptoms. They help to keep you focused on the brighter side of life, even when those pollen counts get high.
Browse through our wide range of products, and discover how we can help you today.
Wishing you the best of health.
Allergy elimination is about eliminating the allergy-causing substance in your home the best you can. Once you do this, you may be able to eliminate the need for all the medications and doctor visits. For additional information please click here to download your free copy of" You Can Do It! Allergy Free Living.
Additional Reading
Indoor Survival Tips for Allergy Sufferers
Don’t Wait to Start your Spring Cleaning